Funding Changes Everything

Email Transcript Sent 02/28/2025 - Never miss an email, subscribe!

Dear Friends,

I am beyond proud of the work Project Periwinkle makes possible, starting stomach cancer research programs and lifting them off the ground. As we have seen time and time again, these programs go on to make a lasting impact in additional phases.  We are a leader in privately funding studies that otherwise would not become a reality if it was not for us, and the results from these early phase programs are key in proving concepts for additional funding from the National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense.

I had the opportunity to visit Washington, D.C. and be present on Capitol Hill earlier this week, adding to the wider voice on the importance of protecting and preserving this funding in collaboration with Debbie’s Dream Foundation.  They included us because what we have done, seen, and know is possible—we’ve been a key player in not just shaping progress in research, but leading it, over the past decade.

This incredible chance to speak with members of Congress and their offices included the following asks:

  1. Maintain stomach cancer in the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) for FY2026.  While FY2025 is not yet complete, FY2024 Congressional Appropriations totaled $130 Million for this program.  Since FY2009, the PRCRP has funded innovative, basic, applied, translational, and clinical cancer research to support Service members, their families, and the American public.  More information on PRCRP can be found here:

  2. Protect stomach cancer research funding within the National Institutes of Health.  While only $13.2 million in research funding is far overshadowed by higher funding amounts for other diseases, keeping this funding in place allows the innovation we have created to continue with federal support.  Whether related to genetic research for the CDH1 gene, early detection, treatment or shaping better outcomes, protecting research dollars makes a difference.

  3. Reducing stomach cancer in the military by supporting a cost and feasibility study within the FY2026 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to assess implementing a H. pylori screening program for select military personnel.  Approximately 25% of U.S. Veterans may be at risk for a H. pylori infection due to deployment in high-prevalence areas or crowded living conditions.  Over 70% of stomach cancer cases are causes by a H. pylori infection, and it has been seen that testing and treatment with antibiotics greatly reduces cancer risks for those impacted by an infection.  Preventative measures are essential.

I brought a unique perspective to the table, telling what I have seen first-hand: results I know are changing the trajectory of prevention, early detection, treatments, outcomes, and quality of life for those going through a cancer battle.  We are dreamers, and always have been, and in that, we have witnessed our dreams transform into reality.  Our world is better off than it was a decade ago when Project Periwinkle launched, and there is so much untapped potential ahead. 

I am tremendously grateful for your support and belief in our work.  Project Periwinkle continues to remain a 100% volunteer based nonprofit, we spend $0 on lobbying, and trips like this are made possible by restricted and earmarked donations. Remaining the best stewards of the financial resources we receive is always at top of mind, and doing what we can to protect our investments, so they continue to flourish for years to come is vital for our mission success.  The best is yet to come!


Ben J. Broghammer, MBA

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


Financial Transparency