100% Model In Its Truest Form
We started with a simple concept around our operations: 100% of every dollar raised goes toward furthering our mission of funding stomach cancer research and brining awareness to the disease.
In most nonprofits who use a 100% model, the organization runs in a way in which a group of donors fund overhead, which is drawn from one account, and the public donates to the mission, drawn from another. However, the same amount of overhead is still there, regardless of how its paid for. Everything from salaries, to office space, employment taxes and related costs like health insurance and 403(b)’s, and everything in between to run an effective operation. After all, non-profits are still businesses. But instead of profits being directed back to shareholders, they are invested back into the organization and to the mission.
“Because the dollars can add up, and spending more on what matters the most makes a huge impact in the big picture of things. ”
We took a lot of the weight off in our approach. Though we do still have costs such as postage, fees for required government filings and nonprofit registration, and the costs for maintaining our website, that is really the end of the list. In fact, one of the largest variable costs we have is credit card processing fees for online donations and the stamps for the hand written thank you notes we send out to donors. Yes, every donor receives a thank you note for their support, regardless of gift size. No salaries, no office rent, no thrills, just making a difference and doing so in the most fiscally mindful way. When we say every dollar goes toward fulfilling our work, we mean it. And that makes all the difference when running a nonprofit organization. Because the dollars can add up, and spending more on what matters the most makes a huge impact in the big picture of things.
We are proud that for the past 5 years, we have operated this way. Of course, there are fall backs to not running with a full-time staff and leadership team, but in the end, we feel it is important because how our mindset allows our work to be completed. We started with that value, and we have been able to build from the ground up with that in mind. From efficiencies where we can and automation where it works. But that is what charity is and how it should be. For the greater good, not for self-interest.
Project Periwinkle is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible in accordance with U.S. law and IRS regulation.